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Weather In Visakhapatnam

Under the Köppen Climate Classification, the weather of Visakhapatnam is defined as the Tropical Savanna Climate where the weather generally remains hot and sweltering and the temperature doesn’t record much alterations or fluctuations throughout the year. Due to its proximity to the Bay of Bengal, Visakhapatnam perpetually experiences high climatic humidity.

Summer in Visakhapatnam extends from March to early June when the temperature fluctuates in the range of 22°c (minimum) and 45°c (maximum). May is the hottest month of the year when the average temperature remains around 37°c. The excessively hot and scorching weather and the soaring level of humidity renders the summer days at Visakhapatnam tremendously agonizing and uncomfortable. Summer is not at all the appropriate season for outing and sightseeing in and around Visakhapatnam. Tourists generally avoid visiting this ‘Goa of the East Coast’ during summer.

Monsoon sets in during the month of June and lasts till October when this port city receives heavy to very heavy rain showers from the southwest monsoon. The total annual rain fall of Visakhapatnam is reported to be about 945 millimeters, most of which is gathered during the monsoon. October is the wettest month of the year when the civic collects about 204 millimeters of the precipitation.

Winter in Visakhapatnam extends from November to February when the weather turns appreciably delightful and satisfying. January is the coolest month of the year when the average temperature continues to be in the array of 23°c to 25°c. During the winter, the mercury typically drops as down as 15°c while it hardly elevates as high as 32°c. November through February is the most salubrious and pleasant time of the year and this is the most ideal season for sightseeing in Visakhapatnam. Even the Visakha Utsav (the tourism festival of Visakhapatnam) is celebrated during winter.