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Weather In Malpe

Under the ‘Köppen Climate Classification’ the weather of Malpe can be categorized as subtropical climate which is characterized with hot summers, moderately cold winters and heavy to very heavy monsoons.

Summer in Malpe extends from March to early June, the month of May being the hottest month of the year. During summer the average daily temperature hovers around 30°c to 35°c which renders the summer days significantly tropic and scorching. The mercury rises to the level of 40°c every now and then while the minimum summer time temperature in Malpe doesn’t decline downer than 22°c. The climate being exceedingly torrid and sweltering during summers, this is by no means a suitable season for paying a visit to Malpe.

Monsoon reaches the land of Malpe in the month of mid June and drenches the plateau till late September. This beach town receives heavy torrential rain showers during the rainy season which happens to be amongst the highest precipitations recorded in the whole country. Tourists are recommended to avoid visiting Malpe in monsoon as well, especially if they are looking forward to indulging in tantalizing beach activities Malpe is famous for.
Winter sets in Malpe in the month of November and lasts till February when the temperature fluctuates between 12°c and 30°c. Winter is the most pleasant and salubrious season experienced in the Malpe province and this is also the most ideal time period for tourism activities and sightseeing in Malpe. Nature is at its finest during winter and tourists can delight in all the possible beach activities during winter at Malpe.

September to March is the best time for visiting Malpe.