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Weather In Leh

Under the Köppen Climate Classification the weather of Leh and Ladakh has been categorized as the Cold Desert Climate which is characterized with elongated and severe winters accompanied by snowfall, paltry summer and scantly precipitation.

Winter extends from October to March when freezing cold winds, heavy snowfalls and occasional snow storms render the climate exceedingly cold and frigid. The temperature remains below freezing level (as down as -15°c to -28°c) most of the season which frequently causes frost bites. Leh is inaccessible during winter as the roads are blocked due to the extensive snowfall and recurrent landslides.

Summer in Leh sets in during the month of April and lasts till September when the days are sunny and warm while the nights turn cold and chilly. The average temperature of a summer day in Leh ranges between 20°c and 30°c. Summer is the most perfect time of the year for visiting Leh and the rest of the Ladakh. During this season the skies are clearer and the multihued sierras garlanded with meandering roads and wandering mountain brooks offer the most mesmerizing prospects of the Ladakhi landscape.

Even though, tourists are recommended to carry heavy woolen clothes along as the nearby getaway destinations from Leh such as Khardung La Pass (world’s highest motorable pass), Chang La Pass (world’s third highest motorable pass), Pangong Tso, and many others are equally chilly even in summer. Leh receives intermittent rain showers during summer and the annual downpour of Leh is reported to be about 90 mm.