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Weather In Kanchipuram

The weather of Kanchipuram can be classified as dry tropical climate which is marked with warm summers, pleasant winters and moderate to heavy rainfalls. The average temperature of Kanchipuram remains between 28°c and 38°c all round the year.

Summer in Kanchipuram sets in during the month of March and lasts till May when the minimum temperature is reported to be 21°c while the maximum temperature rises as high as 37°c. Monsoon extends from June to September when the city receives medium to heavy rainfalls coupled with cool winds. The average annual rainfall of Kanchipuram is recorded to be about 87 cm. Winter lasts from November to February when the temperature ranges between 19°c and 29°c.

The best time to pay a visit to Kanchipuram is October to March; however the city is thriving with the deluge of tourists and devotees all twelve months of the year. Tourists are recommended to wear light cotton clothes in summer and light woolens in winter. The only problem you might face in summer is walking barefoot around the temple premises as no footwear are allowed inside the temple and the floors are made of unpolished stone slabs.