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Weather In Darjeeling

As per the Köppen Climate Classification, the weather of Darjeeling is categorizes as cool and temperate climate and this hill station mainly experiences five distinct seasons all round the year. They are: spring, summer, autumn, winter, and monsoon. The average annual maximum temperature of Darjeeling is reported to be 14.9°c whereas the minimum temperature happens to be about 8.9°c. The lowest ever recorded temperature of Darjeeling stands to be -5°c.

Summer extends from April to June when the climate is extremely pleasant and salubrious. During this season temperature never crosses the limit of 25°c and the amicable weather draws hordes of tourists to this blissful and sublime land to escape the scorching heat of Indian plains. The balmy ambience of this hill station perched at the altitude of 2050 meters above the sea level turns particularly genial and cheery during summer and this is the perfect time of the year for sight seeing and merry making.

With the departure of summer, the reigns are handed over to monsoon that extends from July to September. During monsoon Darjeeling is drenched with intense torrential downpour that often results into landslides and road blockages. This entirely paralyses the tourism industry and as the traveling becomes very difficult, monsoon is not recommended as the season for the tourists in Darjeeling. The average annual rainfall of Darjeeling is recorded to be 309.2 cm and the highest precipitation occurs in the month of July.

Autumn, extending from September to November is marked by sporadic drizzle and as the nature is at its best during this time, it transforms Darjeeling into an absolute Arcadia.

Winter in Darjeeling sets in during the month of December and remains till late January. Temperature hovers around 5°c and 7°c during this season and weather is rendered considerably cool and frigid. Sometimes the mercury even drops as down as -2°c and even though the snowfalls are rare these days the freezing cold of Darjeeling results into the heavy downfalls in the temperature.

Spring succeeds winter and once again spreads the monarchy of scenic pulchritude and charming spectacles everywhere. Spring extends between February and March when the entire landscape is teeming with newly blossoming flowers and verdant greenery. Temperature fluctuates between 10°c and 20°c and this is the ideal period for exploring the glamour of this ‘Queen of Hills’.

The best season to pay a visit to Darjeeling is September & October and from February to May. During this time of the year the weather turns gracious and gratifying and the days remain clear, bright and sunny. The magnificent vistas of the sun rising beyond the transcendental Mount Kanchenjunga perceived from the Tiger Hill are truly breathtaking and overwhelming.